About Us
Bringing live, strength and vitality into our community...

Our aims:
Our core mission is to inject live, strength and vitality to our community and its member. We desire to see our group grow in leap and bound.

Who we are:
Society Alive is a voluntary not-for-profit community group based in Norwichestablished in 2012 by a couple whom are passionate about bringing positive change into their community. Society Alive seeks to inject live and vitality to every aspect of our community. It is open to all irrespective of race, gender, sexual affiliation or religious inclination. (?) ty, inclusivity and selfless service to mankind.

What we do:
Towards achieving our cardinal objective of encourage children to aspire towards University education, we regularly organise lessons in maths and science to help them understand and appreciate these subjects. It is hoped that creating such an environment would cultivate that discipline and focus needed in academic growth. Soceity Alive do understand that education is not the only pathway to success hence our other projects on skills acquisition and talent development. Our project/event are not limited to children and young people but cut across all ages.